UX Design Lead

Design Process & Agile Integration


Design Process


I specialize in using an adaptable, streamlined user-centered design process that is customized for each unique team, culture, and work environment. I have found that every team is different and the UX design process needs to be flexible to adapt to the needs of all stakeholders. Traditional Agile development often does not include UX design, however, I have successfully integrated this UCD process into multiple Agile environments. Because of my background in enterprise software, I excel at designing complex systems and applications. Yet, even with simple websites and mobile apps, some variation of this basic design process always works.


Part 1: Analyze

Learning as much as possible about the user is the cornerstone for the user-centered design process. Phase 1 documents and describes: 1) Needs of end users, 2) Limitations of end users, 3) Preferences of end users and, 4) Business objectives of the end users.

User Segments are a high-level breakdown of basic user types. This deliverable includes demographic information and lists each user’s value to the product.

User Personas are a visual representation of each specific person using the product. The personas deliverable gives each persona a real human name, their age, demographic info, etc. and describes how a person will use the product.

User Scenarios are stories of typical tasks that the user personas will perform. The scenarios are short and to the point and include task descriptions, pain points, “delighters,” etc.

Part 2: Design

This phase of the design process focuses on translating user research into screen layout & design to: 1) Satisfy users with an enjoyable experience, 2) Increase loyalty and return visits/use, 3) Establish a more relevant and valuable product, and 4) Create a product that supports rather than frustrates the user.

The Task and/or journey map is a mind map-like grouping of major goals & tasks. The process of creating the task map makes the initial analysis visual. Often, task groups become the major navigation points of the system.

Wireframes and initial prototypes are low-fidelity and quick to produce. I like to create click-through prototypes early and often to show major navigation and paths through the system. The prototypes allow for rapid usability testing to validate the design, even early in the process.

Detailed mockups apply a graphical look-and-feel to the finalized wireframes. I usually use Axure RP or Sketch for all phases of the design process so that I can quickly evolve the designs/prototype from low-fidelity to full-fidelity.


Part 3: Implement

The goal of the implementation phase is to document & collaborate to: 1) Give development team what they need to work efficiently, 2) Facilitate open communication during development, 3) Adapt the designs according to technical and/or schedule constraints, and most importantly, 4) See the product through to successful release on-time and at or under budget.

User Interface Specifications. Software development processes have evolved, and UI specs have evolved with them. Historically, I would export wireframes and/or mockups in document format as part of the waterfall development process. Modern UI specs are now instantly available online, often interactive and can be easily updated along with the design/prototype. Axure RP and Sketch/InVision export excellent specifications for all teams to interact with and use.

User Stories Integration. A good part of my career has involved integrating a user-centered design process with various forms of the Agile development process. The key to integrating the UI design with software development is to break down the UI design into implementable pieces (usually by sprint), create design deliverables that work for developers, and include all necessary details & information in those deliverables.

Development. I have a degree in Computer Science and started my career as a software developer, so I have always enjoyed working closely with developers to see a design through to a shipped product. I try to always be available for developers to ask questions, be understanding and adaptable to technical and schedule limitations and be willing to evolve designs and documentation to meet development needs.

Agile Integration


In its purest form, the Agile development methodology can be challenging for UX designers. My background in software development gave me an appreciation for the entire software lifecycle. Because of that, I have been determined to find ways of integrating user-centered design with Agile. I found a natural fit by looking at the iterative cycles that are an integral part of both Agile and user-centered design. When the planning phases of UCD are combined with iterative development, it’s a win-win.

I have found a great deal of success in bringing UX design into Agile environments and fostering an understanding of the value of UCD at all levels of the organization. When mutual understanding and respect is created, teams can really work magic together.